
Friday, June 26, 2020

Online Spanish Lessons

Our Online Spanish lessons courses can help you with any area of the Spanish language that you would like to improve. 

The subject matter can be chosen by the student, according to their interests, targets, and abilities.
A specialized individual study plan will be prepared for your Spanish Class.

Wednesday, May 27, 2020

Learn Spanish online from the comfort of home or anywhere in the world!

 Why online spanish classes would be perfect for you

Learning spanish online has the maximum convenience, because you can learn from wherever you are, when you want to, you can choose the lesson times which suit you.
If you want to save time and money, also improve your spanish communication skills, this is the ideal course for you.

You will have a professional spanish native teacher, who will guide the entire teaching-learning spanish process, focusing in all your spanish skills (writting,listening, reading, speaking).
And for you would be the best opportunity to have a real spanish conversation with a native speaker in every class.   

If you're still not sure book your free trial spanish class


Friday, May 22, 2020

Improve Your Spanish With Online Spanish Classes

Spanish World Institute offers a Spanish lessons online wherever you want. The distance, time, or place no longer matters. We bring the classroom to your home or workplace. Achieve your fluency goals.

Our Online Spanish Classes, can help you with any area of the Spanish language that you would like to improve. The Spanish course is completely individualized by the learner’s personal teacher, and the subject matter can be chosen by the student, according to their interests, targets, and abilities.

A specialized individual study plan will be prepared, so that you are comfortable with the pace, and really enjoy their learning experience.
All materials are provided by Spanish world Institute and there is a free access to our school classroom platform.



Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Refranes populares – “Camarón que se duerme se lo lleva la corriente”

"Camarón que se duerme se lo lleva la corriente” 
Hace referencia originalmente a las consecuencias negativas de la pereza. 

Esta expresión sigue siendo popular hoy en día, aunque ahora es usado también en otros contextos para referirse a:
  •  Pereza: la vida es como una corriente del mar, inestable y fuerte. Si te quedas dormido como el camarón, o sea, tienes pereza de moverte o no haces algo, serás arrastrado por la corriente de la vida.
  •  Oportunidad: es una connotación ligeramente diferente al comparar la corriente del mar como una oportunidad de la vida. Por lo tanto, se refiere a que si te quedas dormido perderás la corriente, no verás el camino hacia cualquier oportunidad.
  •  Atención: en el contexto adecuado, esta expresión es usado para indicar que hay que estar atento, o sea no dormirse como el camarón, para que la corriente, en este caso personas mal intencionadas, no logren engañarte.

Han surgido, con el correr del tiempo, derivaciones más modernas de esta expresión. Algunos ejemplos son:
  •          Camarón que se duerme se despierta en el cóctel.
  •          Camarón que se duerme se lo afilan (comen) los pejerreyes.
  •          Cocodrilo que se duerme es cartera (Argentina).
  •          Crustáceo decápodo que pierde su estado de vigilia, es arrastrado por el ímpetu marino.

En inglés puede traducirse como: “A shrimp that sleeps gets carried by the tide” o “you snooze, you lose”.

Andrés Bustamante
Lic. en Lenguas Modernas - Spanish World Institute - Cartagena